This You. This Me. This Us. This Breath. This Spark. This Vision. This Life. This Place. This Moment. This Pause. This Sound. This Light. This Landscape. This Story. This Poem. This Song. This Action. This Connection. This Work. This Love. This Friendship. This Care. This Space. This Community. THIS TIME.
We are living through a disruptive, destabilizing, and historic time. In the winter we walked through a door and instantly our lives and the world were turned upside down by the pandemic. So much has been lost or abandoned in the global crisis, but there is so much we can hold onto.
This time we share. This space we make. This community we create.
The stories we tell have power in the turbulence we are living through. Theatre does not dissolve in these tectonic shifts; it provides a primal source of energy, connection, and change. In the fall we will connect, share, reflect, and celebrate to envision and build a better world.
Fall 2020 Season
Oct. 22 - 24, 2020 FLUSH
Written by Hallie Riddick
Directed by Amanda Card
Chamber Musical Presentation
In the Deep South of the United States, four girls meet in the woods. They perform rituals, sing, and pray to gain freedom from their abusers and rid themselves of grief. What happens when they realize that there is no way out but violence?
Nov. 5 - 7, 2020 NEW WORKS
COPE IN WONDER Written by Lily Welsh Directed by Kyrie Ellison Cope in Wonder follows Hildy, a human, and Alice, something else, as they stumble into some real magic, finding happiness along the way. An exploration of Jewish spirituality through queer identity, bloody sacrifice, mad science, robotic burlesque, and a sadly joyful dance party.
[in]bodied Written by Chanel Blanchett Directed by: TBA [in]bodied is a physical, visceral exploration of the tension between what is felt in the darkness and what is said in the light. Inhale. Exhale. It is an expression of something and some thing and /something/
Nov. 19 - 21, 2020 TWELFTH NIGHT
By William Shakespeare
Directed by Amelia Bethel
Performance Space: Mini -Wright
Gender, desire, reason, and ships are all flipped in one of Shakespeare’s most popular romantic comedies. Viola loves Orsino, Orsino loves Olivia, and Olivia loves Cesario who is actually Viola in disguise...only time will untangle this knot! Love triangles and crossed garters abound in this hilarious and timeless play.
Residency Dates: Sep 24 - Oct 17, 2020
Performance Dates: Dec. 3 - 5, 2020 Development Residency and Performance
Devised from Camus
Lead Artist Chanel Smith
Performance Space: Cannon
Through this multimedia, virtual, and in person live performance, Our Plague, is a devised narrative expressing lived experience in the new Covid-19 altered world. Based on Albert Camus’ The Plague, our narrative revolves around social disruptions that uncover the chaos we most fear. Our Plague is more than a virus and we are all infected.
First Look Reading Series - Dates TBA
Sept 30, 2020
By Karen Loewy Movilla
Directed by: TBD
On the night of her twenty-first birthday she was sexually assaulted by someone she loved and trusted. Birthday struggles along with accepting her situation- do she stay in the relationship when they’ve crossed the line? Or what if it doesn’t feel like assault? How do we address the grey areas?
Oct 28, 2020
By Mollie Gordon
Directed by: Ally Thomas
Over the course of one night, Lia takes action on her romantic feelings and avoids taking action on her self-care. Eventually, she arrives at some sort of self-awareness, aided by text and phone conversations with her best friend, new friend, mom, and an elusive love interest.
Nov. 11, 2020
By Jade Barnett-Irons
Directed by: Sarah Brownstein
This is a play about three people in a car, stuck together on the road to a family funeral. Neither Olivia nor her devoted fiancé, nor his romantic but scattered brother, want to upset their delicate balance, but inevitably someone has to take the wheel and rethink their delusional life.
Dec 16, 2020
By Rachel Saruski
Directed by: Zoe Stanton-Savitz
Pochita comes to America looking for a means to survive and finds her lifeline within a Jewish-Hispanic family in Miami. Incorporating English, Spanish, and Sign-Language, this play follows how the Saruski family immerses a stranger into their lives in a story of acceptance, suffering, and celebrating one's own uniqueness.
Development Residency and Spring Performance
Lead Artist Brennan Jones
Relationship between death and play.
(Generative workshop in fall (Nov. 2- Dec 4, 2020) / Performance Dates in spring 2021)
Child's play, role play, horseplay, edge play, a play, a player, play button; dating games, iPhone games, The Game, game theory, mind games; ego death, respawning, angel of death, brain dead, play dead, wall of death, sudden death. What is the relationship between death and play?
Grad Lab Dates:
Taught by a rotating series of Sarah Lawrence faculty and guest artists,Grad Lab focuses on developing the skills needed for a wide variety of techniques for the creation and development of new work in theatre and performance. Embodiment, materiality, site, sound, text, technology, light and time are all explored. The class is a forum for workshops, master classes, and open rehearsals, with a focus on the development of critical skills. Students in Grad Lab generate a new piece of theatre or performance to be performed each month for the Sarah Lawrence community. These performances may include graduate and undergraduate students alike. Required for all Theatre graduate students.
Wednesday, Oct 7 EVENT #1
Wednesday, Nov 11 EVENT #2
Wednesday, Dec 9 EVENT #3